Have you ever found your hair in knots or your necklace in a kink? Perhaps a people, too small to see, do such to us in a blink. Dwelling secretly in our home, perhaps even in our beds. Pay close attention and look for clues, for those some call Knotheds. What if you were a Knothed? Imagine if you were small enough to live in a matchbox with your parents and four siblings. How do you think everything would look in a home of human giants where everything was enormous? Could you imagine the adventure? What about the danger? Would you be brave enough to venture out on your own? Austeen Knothed was. But can his siblings help him get home?
Children Bible Study
One of the greatest ministries we have as Christian parents is to teach our children about the things of God. Can there be any teaching more important than the Gospel itself, of how the love of God sent His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. Willing to suffer the death of the cross, Jesus Christ gave Himself ransom for all those who put their faith in Him. Through His death, burial, and resurrection, we as sinners can find forgiveness of sins and eternal life in Jesus Christ. Our children deserve to know of this great love. As Christian parents we owe it to our children to tell them of the things of God, and as saved sinners we owe it to God to be obedient to His Word. Written from a Baptist perspective.